Prof. Katsuyoshi Kakinuma and coworkers Introduced on Supplementary Journal Cover of ACS Applied Energy Materials/柿沼克良 燃料电池纳米材料研究中心教授的学术论文被刊登在美国化学会学术杂志上, 论文中图形化的摘要被采用为杂志封面
Paper by Prof. Katsuyoshi Kakinuma, Director/Prof. Akihiro Iiyama, Prof. Makoto Uchida of Fuel Cell Nanomaterials Center and coworkers, “Enhancement of the Catalytic Activity and Load Cycle Durability of a PtCo Alloy Cathode Catalyst Supported on Ta-Doped SnO2 with a Unique Fused Aggregated Network Microstructure for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells” published on June 15, 2020 by The American Chemical Society, was elected and introduced on Supplementary Journal Cover of ACS Applied Energy Materials.
柿沼克良 燃料电池纳米材料研究中心教授的学术论文,刊登在世界规模最大的化学学术团体美国化学会American Chemical Society发行的学术杂志ACS Applied Energy Materials上,杂志封面采用了该论文的图形摘要(论文的图解摘要)。
论文的题目是《Enhancement of the Catalytic Activity and Load Cycle Durability of a PtCo Alloy Cathode Catalyst Supported on Ta-Doped SnO2 with a Unique Fused Aggregated Network Microstructure for Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cells》。在固体高分子形态燃料电池中,需要比Pt承载碳催化剂更高耐久、高活性的催化剂。柿沼教授们开发了可以取代碳的新型高耐久陶瓷纳米粒子,并在世界上首次成功地将高活性的PtCo光合催化剂作为粒子载体。这个研究可以提高燃料电池的耐久性和发电性能,进而有望将电池应用于卡车或巴士等大型燃料电池汽车中。
- Academic magazine cover/被采用的图形化摘要的封面