
2017年12月6日 任你博

 平成29年7月12日(水)~14日(金)に、名古屋国際会議場(愛知県名古屋市)で開催された公益社団法人地盤工学会主催「第52回地盤工学研究発表会」において、修士課程2年(工学専攻土木環境工学コース)のイスティヤンテイ?メガリア(Mega Lia Istiyanti)さん及び工学部4年の徳永 翔さん(指導教員:両者共に後藤 聡准教授)が優秀論文発表者賞を受賞しました。

 テーマ:「Effect of Soil Plasticity on Shallow Landslide triggered by Rainfall」(Joint Authors:Goto Associate professor)

 内容:Soil plasticity can be one of indicator because this method exhibit clay-like behavior. Clay include in clay fraction as fine-grained soils are frequently associated with slope failures. The main objective of this work was to investigate soil plasticity effect in shallow landslide with the relationships between density of particle size and organic contain value. Plasticity index and ignition loss index value in contrast with density of particle size.

 コメント:“It is my honored to received this award. Thank you so much for everyone who participate in my research. Goto Sensei and all the co-authors for the time and recommendation in my research. Geotechnical laboratory members, Shinozuka-san from Center Instrumental Analysis (Kikibunseki Center), and everyone who can not mention all the name. I hope with this award I can make a better research in the future.”



