Press Conference “University of Yamanashi’s Efforts to COVID-19” is held
On Monday,October 4 ,2021, Press Conference “University of Yamanashi’s Efforts to COVID-19” was held at Kofu Campus.
We reported about the current status of Workplace Vaccination for COVID-19 and the Recovery Accommodation Facilities with Enhanced Medical Function.
As the report, we vaccinated a total of 88,000 shots. Therefore, 89.5% of our students got vaccinated, and we started the Face-to-face lesson from the second semester.
The Recovery Accommodation Facilities with Enhanced Medical Function has been doing ‘the Cocktail Treatment’ for lower level patients, and it works very well.
We developed the control system for the Patient health, named ’ SHINGEN(Smart Health INformation Gathering & Evaluation Network)’ and it became possible to share the information of patients? between medical staff by using it.
President Shinji Shimada said,” It occurred the painful situation that patients died at home while waiting to be hospitalized. To avoid the same situation, we promptly opened the Recovery Accommodation Facilities with Enhanced Medical Function, and we responded so that patients could receive the medical care even during the recuperation at home.”
We will continue to concentrate our efforts on taking counter measures against COVID-19.