Mr. Yuki Uchiyama received Presentation Award of International Symposium “Laser control technology for innovation of biomedical and electronics”
International symposium “Laser control technology for innovation of biomedical and electronics” ※1 at National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu city, Taiwan from September 1 to September 2, 2023. Mr. Yuki Uchiyama, a first-year master course student in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Course, and his supervisors are assistant professor Hironori Ito and associate professor Satoshi Honma, received the Presentation Award at this symposium.
The award is given to a speaker who has made a particularly excellent poster presentation with a short presentation in order to activate research in laser control that will provide breakthrough proposals for the electronics and biomedical applications.
Award winning group:
Yuki Uchiyama, 1st year master’s student in the electrical and electronic engineering course
Hironori Ito, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Assistant Professor
Satoshi Honma, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Associate professor
Award title:
Pulse shaping for 3-dimentional integration of kinetic energy via light
Research content:
In anticipation of future techniques that use light to precisely control liquid flow in a 3-dimensional, we have proposed a method for controlling laser waveforms to optimize the efficiency of light-kinetic energy conversion. This method has applications in sorting and analyzing micro biological samples and in cooling technology for electronic devices, bringing revolutionary proposals for a wide range of fields from biomedicine to the electronics.
※1 International Symposium “Laser control technology for innovation of biomedical and electronics” was held in Taiwan(10/04/2023 Topics)
- Award-winning presentation
- Award winners (From left: Honma, Uchiyama, Ito)