An Award Ceremony for The 2019 Best Teaching Award Was Held/令和元年度优秀教育奖(Best Teaching Award)授予仪式的举行

07/21/2020 English

? On Monday, July 20, 2020, an award ceremony for the 2019 Best Teaching Award was held at the Kofu Campus.
? In our third mid-term plan, we are establishing an award system to reward faculty members and groups that specialize in educational achievement, such as those who have developed and promoted distinctive education, and this award is to reward activities that have achieved significant results and continue to be practiced in order to improve the quality of educational practice and activities concerning attempts to develop new teaching methods.
? Ms. Hiroko Fukazawa, Assistant Professor of the School of Medicine, was selected as the winner of the third award, and President Shinji Shimada presented her with a certificate and a catalogue of awards and encouraged her to continue contributing to the quality of university education in the field.

【The project and what we valued.】
?Ms. Hiroko Fukazawa Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine
【To Clinical Medical Education in the School of Medicine the Introduction of Flipped Classes in the Medical School】
 Ms. Fukazawa has introduced flipped classes to many courses in clinical medicine over a long period of time, and has made efforts to verify the educational effects through publications and conference presentations. 
? As an advanced example of the university’s feature flipped classes, this initiative is an educational practice that can be used as a reference not only in the field of medicine, but also in other academic departments, and was highly regarded for its potential ripple effect on the university as a whole.

 令和2年7月20日(星期一),在甲府校区,举行了令和元年度优秀教育奖(Best Teaching Award)的授予仪式。
 在此次的第3届表彰中,深泽 宏子 医学部助教被选为获奖者。岛田真路校长颁发了奖状和目录,并激励道:“希望今后能继续为大学教育质量的进一步提高做贡献。”

?深泽 宏子? 医学部妇产科学讲座助教