Face Shields Were Donated by TOKYO GAS YAMANASHI Co., Ltd../东京燃气山梨株式会社捐赠了防护面罩
07/14/2020 English
? We greatly appreciate the TOKYO GAS YAMANASHI Co., Ltd.. (and Representative Director and President Shuji Goryoda). Thank you for donation of 20 face shields.
? These items were donated to Medical schools dealing with the COVID-19 and the University of Yamanashi Hospital for the purpose of helping to prevent infectious diseases.
? We will make effective use of their generosity and continue to strive to prevent infectious diseases.
此次,东京燃气山梨株式会社(五领田周司 代表理事社长)向我们捐赠了20个防护面罩。在此表示衷心的感谢。
- We received face shields/捐赠防护面罩