Mr. Kamiunten received the Best Paper Award at the ICATYE. / 工学部机械工学科4年级生上运天和辉同学 在(公社)汽车技术会 关东支部 2019年度 学术研究演讲会上获得最佳论文奖
On March 4, 2020, Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. Kanto Branch 2019 Academic Research Conference was held at Tokyo Denki University Senju Campus (Adachi-ku, Tokyo).
Mr. Kazuki Kamiunten (academic supervisor: Yasumi Ito), a senior in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, received the Best Paper Award. This award is given for the content of an excellent paper.
The title of his paper was “Investigation on the Relationship between Daily Activities, Physical Functions of the Elderly and Driving Ability” (Kazuki Kamiunten, Yasumi Ito, Tatsuya Fukuoka, Ryota Okuwaki, Ryuichi Yamada, Yoshiyuki Kagiyama, Tetsuya Nemoto, and Yuki Tanaka).At the Fujikawaguchiko Senior Driver Support Project, The team worked to elucidate the relationship between individual characteristics and life functions of the elderly according to results of the driving task in the simple driving simulator and grip strength measurements and questionnaires, which are the simplest tests of physical function.
“I am very honored to receive this award,” said Dr. Kountian, who received the award. “I am grateful to Professor Ito and the members of my laboratory for their precise guidance in my daily research. I will continue to focus on my research activities in the future.”
※The grade is based on the grade level at the time of the award.
〇2019-2020 JSAE KANTO International Conference of Automotive Technology for Young Engineers (ICATYE)
〇Ito laboratory, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering
令和2年3月4日(星期三),在东京电气大学千住校区(东京都足立区)举行的公益社团法人汽车技术会关东支部2019年度学术研究演讲会中,工学部机械工学科4年级的上运天和辉同学(指导教师:伊藤安海 教授)获得了最佳论文奖。该奖对优秀的论文内容进行了表彰。
〇(公社)汽车技术会 关东支部2019年度 学术研究演讲会
〇工学部机械工学科 伊藤(安全医工学)研究室