Receiving 5000 masks from Hangzhou Dianzi University/来自中国杭州电子科技大学的5000枚口罩
As the spread of coronavirus infection has become more serious, we have received many masks from Hangzhou Dianzi University(HDU), our exchange partner school. ?Due to the worldwide shortage of masks, there is a limit of 100 pieces per package, so a total of 5,000 masks were carefully packed into 50 parcels by HDU staffs. By March 31, a total of 32 parcels and 3200 masks have arrived.
Each package was attached with a Chinese poem “红白樱花烂漫开,盈盈一水送春来”. ?This is a phrase from a work written by a renowned Chinese calligrapher, Mr. Sanzhi Lin, for the Japanese calligraphy delegation who visited China in 1975. The idioms, “盈盈一水”, was based on the folk story of Tanabata, depicting the sadness of being unable to talk just by staring at each other because they are separated by a stream of the Milky Way. Since the MOU was concluded between two universities, more than 100 students have been exchanged so far, and a Master’s Dual Degree Program started in 2018. Due to the spread of the coronavirus infection, the dispatch of students to HDU, which is held every March, and the acceptance of HDU students, which is scheduled for July, will be halted this year. Now that the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, both universities are physically separated by the coronavirus, but when we fight together and win the virus, there will surely be a truly beautiful spring there.
在新冠病毒感染扩大严重,全世界口罩不足的情况下,我校的交流协定学校 — 中国杭州电子科技大学向我校捐赠了口罩。由于一个包裹只能邮寄100枚口罩,共计5000枚口罩被郑重地每100枚分别包装,由数十名教职员分头送出邮寄,截止3月31日(星期二)为止共计收到32个包裹,3200枚口罩。
- Donated masks