Ms. Ayaka Watanabe was awarded the Excellent Paper Award for Young Researchers by the Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science.
Ms. Ayaka Watanabe (Nippon Koei Co., LTD; a 2013 graduate of the Special Master Course Program at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for River Basin Environment) was awarded the Excellent Paper Award for Young Researchers by the Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science in 2019.
The award-winning paper was a part of the master course thesis of Ms. Watanabe at the University of Yamanashi. The paper proposed a method to estimate the risk of shallow landslides using a detailed rainfall information obtained by a single X-band multi-parameter (UY) radar and C-band radars.
Ms. Watanabe delivered the following comments: “I feel very privileged to be granted such an honor. Dr. Kazuyoshi Souma and the members of the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for River Basin Environment as well as the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering provided me with much cooperation and advice. I wish to take this opportunity to express my gratitude.”
The award-winning paper:
Watanabe, A., K. Souma, S. Oishi, T. Sano, K. Kakizawa, J. Magome, H. Ishidaira, Y. Ichikawa, T. Suetsugi, and K. Sunada: Estimation of shallow landslide risk in a mountainous area using a single X-band multi-parameter radar and C-band radars, Journal of Japan Society for Natural Disaster Science, 37(3), pp.295-311, 2018.